
cry baby cry.  T_T
hahaha. evil laugh.

on another note. grow up man. u creep me out!


"The missing piece always trying to fit inthe shattered heart hungry for a home"


how do we ask for something which is our hak?
but, we don't know how much is it?
and, we don't want to have anything berkait dengan that someone, kalau boleh.


bagus betul la dapat partner yang murah hati. 2 hari lunch free. 
semalam nasi kerabu n hari ni laksa + cendol. 
haih. bilanya nak kurus ni.


i'm a serious doubter. and i do what my heart tells. dari dulu aku trust my 1st instinct. coz, itu selalunya yg terbaik. benda yg aku terlalu banyak fikir ikut rasional akan end up sakit bagi aku. gamble in making decision. bukan maksud bodoh2 ikut arah yg ada depan aku. instinct + step back a little dan view dr semua arah. but, never ditch your first instinct. padah kalau degil, sendiri terima la babe.  


walking through the jungle.


dah start pening. dan harus fikir dari sekarang.
no more "nantilah. nantilah"
xde sape nak tolong nanti.


agh! external xle detect kat lappy. 
i need the data inside. dem yuh trascend!


a child dream. imaginative. 
yet, to come true.
you don't show a grow up expression. 
more like I'm listening to a 8-year old boy.

adult or children.
we do have dreams.
big or small. 
we can try together, right?


waking up with positive vibes. happy!
having toast and now ready to work!


talking about almost anything over BTS Fullamak meehoon soup. sugar cane juice. rains.

just bliss.



paman, i love you.


jealousy, please go. i don't need you anymore.

please stay.


sleep a bit early. wake up early. on fon. delete sent archive. all.



langit pagi ni cantik. the colour blends nicely. 
a bit orangey kat bawah and blueish upwards. 

lebih kurang macam ni tapi matahari tu xde la.



Deforestation and Climate Change : Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Feem) Series
By Bosetti, Valentina (EDT) / Lubowski, Ruben (EDT)

Publisher : Edward Elgar Pub
Published Date : 2010/08
ISBN : 9781848448247
BookWeb Price : MYR 623.74

Availability Status : Available for order from suppliers.
Usually dispatches within 3 weeks.
Language : English

freaking 600? dem. baru plan nak guna voucher 1malaysia tu. haih. sapa ada extra monehh? kind of needing this book. T_T

so paman, u need any books? i got the 200 voucher. hehe.


hints given. can't u just wait?


nasi lemak. ok. full.
ready to mengantuk..............


i love my present. less to hate. more reason to love. eh, no reason to love.

just love.  ;)


rindu sabah. rindu sebelum tido, plan esok nak masak apa. rindu bangun pagi2. rindu pergi pasar. rindu pilih ikan(walaupun xkenal semua jenis ikan. end up beli udang besar sekilo.) rindu beli ikan bilis dengan aci depan kedai jual kelapa parut. beli lemon buat teh lemon atau air lemon. beli sayur. selalu terung n tomato. balik pasar pergi sarapan dekat restoran lengkuas kat sembulan. makan nasi dagang or roti canai. lepas tu kenyang. haha. balik tak masak pun. tido. petang2 sikit baru berkobar2 nak masak. 
then, pagi2 bawak bekal popia or apa2 lah yg rajin dimasak pagi2. rindu hari2 balik keje pikir nak makan apa. selalunya makan luar or kak ida goreng ikan + sambal tomato. ada la sekali dua paman hantar lauk. grill fish, kari hijau, tomyam dalam kelapa. yums. lapar la pulak. ok. bai.


There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up.
Lucas Scott

apa kes quote dialog cite drama ni? whatever. our life. we choose. 



rindu zaman belajar. jeans, tshirt, selipar jepun, tudung selekeh pun xde sape kesah. kalau xde kelas boleh bangun lambat, x payah bangun pun xpe. sekarang belajar juga. tapi, totally different. bukan kerja sambil belajar. ini belajar sambil kerja. haih. susah nak digest.

chaiyok! FOCUS!
max is 4-5 years. u gotta ace it!


those times can never be enough. 

and done removing. i'm sorry.


waking up feeling lovely and all. siap2. enter the car. turn on the radio and the DJ goes like "a relationship ends when...?" hmmm. xde topic lain? tekan tukar frequency. DJ said "the signs of a cheating husband" Ya Allah. tolonglah. spoilled my mood je by hearing the topic. come on. cite la pasal food n travel ke. semalam hari breakup sedunia ke?
but, ada 1 ayat tu xle tahan. a relationship ends when the girl ask the guy to hold her handbag. hahaha. insanely hillarious. if u know what i mean. x salah. tapi, xnak elaborate further. jz funny.
ok. put aside. mari habiskan spot classification for today! 


so nice having a chat with u boneka. kau pun macam ise. a nice guy.
x payah la pusing jauh2. sesat nanti.


sekarang kurang emo. jadi desa puteh sunyi sepi. cuma ada gambar saja.
desa tu ada sebab lonely+hatred+rimas+mahu escapism. ya. itu dulu.
now? harapnya xde dah. 
sekarang happylah. petang2 boleh pusing pasar malam. 
tengok food, orang ramai. fun. xde stress2.

kan paman?





dem yuh selsema. go away!

#thatawkwardmoment when someone dah tahu cerita dari sumber2 yg boleh dipercayai, how to mengelak? nak cerita, panjang sangat. nak mengaku, segan.
so, senyum je la. ;)



still down with flu. ;(
why lah sekarang ni antibodi x kuat langsung. dulu demam sehari dah kebah. esok nak makan bubur. tekak sakit tak baik2. 2hari lunch buffet hotel. tak sedap n tak sihat. huh.


sabtu. waking up late. laundry. masak macaroni soup n telur bungkus. sesi lipating baju. movie spiderman. surfing. tido.
ahad. waking up a bit early. laundry. ironing bajus'. movie-the net, made of honor (i can never get married to a friend). nasi goreng campur(ayam+daging+udang). pi selayang pandang cari gaduh. eh, kereta. masuk FRIM. trekking sampai pancit(turun 3 kg paman?) piccies. viddies(later upload). apple juice. "our home". balik. tido. 
mana paman hari sabtu? bakar tulang kambing? tasty? tasty for plant. haha. fertilizer ghupenya.

penyewa triton masih tidak dapat dikesan. tolonglah jangan aniaya orang. harap2 accident la pakcik ye? kete selamat. awak je x selamat. aniaya lagi bisnes org lain. tak baik tau.

ok la nak tido. jauh jalan tadi. pening+flu=demam. tolonglah esok dah ok. tak sanggup dah.


I bruised my heart. with a heart-shaped one. i tried stitching it. but, it's still wide open. bleeding some more.

I hate it. really.

someone. take me away. far away.
make me forget this. all of this.


ayat dibawah bukan utk u paman. reminder to myself.


"sorry. salah tempat untuk manja2. please come again. for other stuff. really."

get real.



nak cerita something. but, totally forgot what it is. nvm.
tomorrow is weekend yaw. supposed to attend something but kena cancel due to kambing. 
what? kambing? yes it is.  -___-
haha. super lame excuse. but hey, it's money. and that reason is pretty solid.
so, esok gonna be chores and cooking day. why did I wrote all this?

so, thank you.


dia cantik. rugi kamu milik dia sebab revenge. kalau tak dah settle benda paling kamu risau.

oh, yang sibuk2 hal orang lain tu kenapa?
list kredit kau lagi banyak dari debit. itu yang penting untuk kau fikir, kan?
yuran, servis kereta, tayar dah takde rambut, kursus lagi.


hey you!


Everytime I saw someone boobs, I wonder if what they have are real or not?
haha. not being lucahs or perv, but hey, it's reality huh?
still amused by what my boss have. ;p

excuse me. i'm a flatty. haha! n i dont even care.


owh. baru tau yang dulu kau tak pandang dia sebab......dia tak cukup cantik?

ok. sentap x?

ah, who cares, right?


It's been 8 month since I left Sabah for good. How time flies.  
Too many things happen. Good, bad, great, sad. Semua ada.
Ajar aku untuk hidup. dan survive.



make your dreams come true!

Everytime I felt restless, he reminds me why I fell in love with him at the first place. craziness!


lalu tempat jatuh dulu dengan orang sayang sekarang.
macam error "Overwrite memory?"

the answer is, "Definitely YES!"



family. spouse. children. 

ingat wahai aisyah!


i am normal. shifted from norm dan saya akan terkesan.
tak minta lebih. tak jua saya merungut.

tapi, saya harap saya faham. cuma, ada sedikit rasa sedih. pedih.


dear moon, 
will u listen to me?
coz, no one will....


senang hati kalau orang dah terima. learn to accept.
dah kurang sikit la segan.

thank you future!  ;)

awwww, rindu paman. esok balik kampung. harini tak dapat jumpa.
sedih oooo.  ;(


sesak la. serabut.