
hujan. sejuk. lapar.

*haih. bila nak kurus macam tu.

satu minggu akan datang yang sunyi.   :(


a very wide path just appeared before me.
a very wide one. 
though, i can see a very sharp end from afar.

but, the problem is, there are so many new things i should pick up at the entrance.
and with this little grey cell of mine, am i able to stuff it all in, coz i will surely need it along the journey.

just, help me!


1 round taman. durian 1 biji. finished watching perfume (at last).

simple dinner. orchid. driving around. rains. 

a packet of laksa teluk kecai. mi siput.  

bliss. you?


enjoy doing my work. hopefully it last.


macam mana nak start buat summary/literature review nih?
macam mana????


if you wake up in the morning tomorrow, 
and you find out it is actually still in year 2010 (a year back) , 
what would you do?


#2011 dreams crushed. built up a new dream. eh, no. a reality.


i do love making simple things complicated. that's why i need you.
yes. you! help me out straighten things i bent in my mind.
is it too much, oh savior?


smile for a better day. a better future.
put up with my rants. thank you.

i can't promise everything you dream of.
but, i'll be there.


drizzle. raining. cold. shivering.

i can't imagine it if you weren't there.

thank you.


satu saat sesak.
satu saat lapang.
itu ukuran?
itu tentu duduk sayang kamu?

entah. aku bingung.


sini tukar jadi semua ada. bukan lagi heartlove semata. bukan lagi love spills saja.
hatred, nonsense, jatuh, sakit, jealousy, pathetic, cynical, sarcasm semua sekali ada.

apa-apalah. my own space. takde sape paksa.


used to be very pretty. 
yeah. used to.
now gone.

tak payah minta. akhir nanti nampak juga.
kalau busuk hati tu, memang busuk juga.



help! wanna have a very good sleep now. cuddling with bantal.


a hectic morning. buying flight ticket for bibik. late for work. tak sempat breakfast. jammed sikit. isk.

kyoto protocol. patut macam penah dengar. rupanya nama satu band indie. bukan yg environment tu. haha.
and tak sabar nak dating dengan sherlock. please.



apela benda alah ni? tak pernah ambil tahu pun sebelum ni. n now tetiba kena study dari A-Z. isk. help. satu hapa pun tak masuk lagi. kalau kyoto japan nak jugak la. agak2 ada chance tak gi kyoto? hahahaha. u wish!


"muka sama dah. sayang jodoh takde"

really? itu bukan alat ukur kot. samalah macam mana sekalipun. kalau takde, takde jugak der.

used to get the stares from others. dulu2 lah. sekarang pun still ada jugak. i'm hot kan? hahahahaha. nak muntah jap. 


going or not? company tukar angin?
jauh dan jalan sesak.



In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly. Dictatorships are often characterized by some of the following traits: suspension of elections and of civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents without abiding by rule of law procedures; these include single-party state, and cult of personality.                                                                    
from wiki                                                                                                                   
a "no" with reason, please. and  i will give you mine.


missing sabah!


sherlock holmes! yeah!

kenapa xde cinema dkt bangi? 
alamanda is boring.


get busy! banyak lagi kena baca.

no more wandering around.


new on list.  ;)


let it be soon. *wish


ingat petang ni dapat jumpa. but, priority given to work.

ok. smile.  

oh, dah borong film untuk holiday. harap2 jadi.


sinar2 nak dapat cuti tu macam cerah.  ;)




smile for no reason. it is okay, i guess.
sudut sana masih ada baki lagi. cuba tolak jauh-jauh.

sayang-sayang jangan tolak. bila jatuh nanti sakit.
hati jangan buat main.
ikhlas kata ikhlas. 
tidak kata tidak.

tell the truth even if it leads you to your death. 


still cold.

but only the body. 
heart is warmer.


it's freaking cold. 

i want sushi. and you.


pagi ini rasa sedih. 

i never had the chance, right?
it's ok kot. nevermind.

semalam no mood at all due to unknown reason. 
and then tiba2 dapat present.
coincidence. no?


i want to start a book right now!
trembling. shaking. cold.


you are. just wake up from your dreams......



macam kertas buruk.


i just want to go somewhere else. away from everybody.
live in a place where nobody know me.
need not worry for tomorrow or anything else.

i wish i can.


kosong. penuh. kosong. penuh.
kosong semula. penuh semula.

ulang-ulang benda yang sama.
tak bosan. 
 good. i think so.


am still trying.

don't wait until u've been asked to. instead, share everything.
remember aisyah.



oh, ada satu hari lagi.


tomorrow, please come faster!


craving for Bourbon's Choco & Coffee biscuit.. fave since primary school. last seen on Giant shelf was 3 or 4 years ago.

i want!!


feels like crying.
let loose and it doesn't want to be that way. 
what way?
i don't even know what i'm saying.

u can't undo what's done. nope.
let's just hope the burning mad will fade away.

i'm sorry.


sesungguhnya, saya akan balik cepat dalam masa seminggu ini. 
(kira masih nampak matahari bila sampai rumah)