
Die Schlacht ist geschlagen


back to normal.  ;)
love you more than i know.


is there still any checklist?
I don't know.



checklist to be done.

gonna start next week after some discussion. hopefully, all will go well.


oh btw, goodluck N9!




plan. plan. plan.

sila jangan gelabah.


it's not a statement. it's a tricky question.
bukan syok sendiri. the question itself buat kamu terfikir.

i am just asking. is it enough what i've been giving you all this while?


LCCT, here i come! haha.
today is the day. muahahahahahaha!


nak holiday with mak. but, gotta save up! ugh.


Can i do this? can we work it out?

i don't know.


what's up with this early marriage? be patient.
not going to run away. with him or anyone else.



"kenapa kita tak jumpa dari awal dulu?"
"fate. takdir. nature flow. kalau awal lagi kita dah jumpa, all of this won't happen."

hakikat, kita pernah jumpa dulu. awal lagi dari yang kamu sangka first time our eyes met. tapi, tika itu masih ada hidup sendiri. sedar dan kabur dengan apa yang ada. truth is, i don't remember those times. all i know is joanna, germany girl yang kamu angkat ke hulu ke hilir. thailand, bali. juga cerita2 buruk pasal kamu. i don't care at first. macam kau tonton drama tv. lihat, dengar, faham, lupa. 

then, apa yang jadi sekarang ni? i don't know. it's good. at least i feel good. no. it's great.
you're being a pencil and eraser at the same time. 
or is it what i pretend to see who you are. i don't know. again.
sikit-sikit kita corak route ini. at least we both dah nampak apa yang ada. 
yes, you didn't offer anything. no promises to be broken. 

at least for now.
coz, i can't offer or promise anything to you either.


susah kan nak keep hold pada apa yang bukan kita punya? dah dulu kau paksa2 juga kan.
so, nak atau separuh nak, kau tetap juga kena pegang.
janji jangan tinggal janji. bila dah tawar hati, memang susah der.
tak guna lah menangis air mata darah sekalipun. 
hati tetap tak senang, bukan?

terasa? ok. memang patut pun aisyah.


chill. marah tak bertempat. tak cool langsung. haih.


ok. nak pi perah orang baru dapat gaji.. apalah sangat prawn grill kan? haha.


hari ini baru hari selasa. hari khamis lama lagi nak sampai. ugh!
nak enjoy sorang2. movie or shopping? or, ada sapa nak teman?


gegedik. fine! do whatever you want. aku happy kot. no worries.


kalau orang dah ajak tu, pergi la. 
nanti, lain kali dah tak kena ajak baru nak ikut memang tak dapat lah.
paman, nak ikut pergi sarawak...........


sori la. aku takde otak bisnes. sikit2 boleh. banyak2 aku pass kat ko blk. ok?

tapi, macam best kalau buat benda ni selalu. cool.


do you take it seriously? didn't meant to make you mad.
aku bukan siapa-siapa.


saw pelangi last friday. 1st ever pelangi after balik dari sabah. sana boleh kata setiap petang kot ada pelangi kalau hujan. betul ke orang cakap nampak pelangi tu petanda baik. maybe la kot. weekend sangat bliss. driving penat2 pun takpe coz dapat surprise after tu.  ;)

hope dapat news baik dari IKP this week. amin.




oooooooo balik kampung
oooooooo balik kampung
oooooooo balik kampung
hati girang......


part time? good enough.
full time? more than great.



WHY lah kau spill kan secret tu depan2 dia? ugh. s*** la..


do you still care?

i know you are. hehe.


bless me with happiness and i won't ask for anything more.

tapi, tipulah kalau seronok dengan life with no downs. tak adventure langsung.


can we survive?


5 minit sweet escape can last for 2 weeks.
apalah sangat 10 hari, kan?


tension : relieved.
decision : tekad.
money : gotta go somewhere to dig up.


tak payah paksa. atau perli2. lagilah dia lari jauh2.
lek2 sudah. 

apalah sangat 7 11 dulang tu nak compare dengan 1 dulang tapi 5-6 orang yang kena angkat.
haha. confirm 7 legacy, orang still ingat lagi.


Repeat after me : Infinite loop.


 I like to look up wild at an infinite sky.


Don't be scared. I'm not here for your heart.


of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most


I just love cherry tree! How that ordinary thing can make me smile.


When a person is still with or doing something, but s/he said out loud s/he miss another thing that clearly is not right.
As a normal person, would you forgive that?


nak pergi konser SO7!! why lah dia tak buat showcase special untuk diorg saje? xnak tgk yg lain2.
tix rm20. tapi, confirm xde org nak ikut n sendiri x sanggup nak harung lautan indo. haih.


sabtu lepas bawak bebudak pi big bad wolf. again. beli cookbook untuk na n 'hitler' biography untuk diri sendiri. rabu sebelum tu dah beli books on 'serial killer'. tak tau la bila boleh habis baca. ada 6 buku tak baca lagi. hahaha. petang2 lepas bangun tido pi lepak pesta konvo UPM. main flying fox free n menyibuk kat kambing golek stall. kawan paman thought that i'm still a student. hehe. rasa muda jap. balik malam kena pandang lain macam. sori2. mintak ampun. lupa bagitau balik lambat. pagi ahad tengah surfing dapat call. takde helper tolong golek kambing. so, macam flash siap2 pi UPM lagi. sampai sana tolong apa yang patut. balik memang bau asap la. lepas tu escape dengan paman kejap sebab his bro n sis dah ganti. had fun la tengok student2 n orang yang lalu lalang. mostly, balik akan bawa plastic bag isi pokok. even, marlia pun beli pokok sirih. tak tau la kalau ollie makan sirih pinang. ok dah. membebel untuk sapa pun tak tau. just fun to share. dah nama pun merepek meraban kan?


gaji sikit. tapi, job scope minat.
gaji banyak. tapi, passion takde.

tipikal dilema. benci.

rasa nak balik kampung. jual kuih tepi jalan.


2 weeks challenge of non-meet-up!!
are you ready for a game?

2 minggu? adapahal. small the pieces. kau kan kayu, aisyah. cold blooded heart.


Sunday Serenade.

"Wahai orang yang lembut hatinya,

Sudah lama aku selalu mengecam pahit
Kelam oleh penderitaan
Aku tak ada siapapun kecuali Allah dihatiku
Tapi kau datang dengan cahaya
Aku ingin menjadi yang halal bagimu
Yang kan kau kecup keningnya
Kau hapus airmatanya.

Dari orang yang selalu merindukan cahayamu,"


#copy dari blog orang lain


have you ever thought that, you yang tak cukup sempurna?
selalu kau fikir, dia yang tak cukup bagus untuk kamu.
dia yang tak cukup untuk penuhi apa yang kamu mahu.
padahal, kamu yang tak pernah fikir apa yang dia mahu. 
apa yang benar dia hasrat adanya kamu.

yeah, love blinds.
tapi, sampai satu saat, kau akan sedar yang pedih luka lagi membutakan.
it shuts off everything.
memaksa ke satu sudut yang mungkin akhirnya kau buntu.
atau mungkin juga ada pintu kecil yang bisa sambung.
sambungkan hayat kamu.


 clouds on the way
 tekala's 'foodcourt'
 'tourist guide'
 sunlight & trees. 
 see that small waterfall?
 trees again
 tempat paling atas yg tourist guide penah sampai la.
 mangoes n plums chiller.
hiking sampai atas. kot lah. sayang kasut nak redah air. sila kumpul duit untuk teva. ;)
tak mandi coz sebab2 tertentu. next time bebeh. dapat main air pun ok la. oh, ada satu scene tak sengaja nampak. a naked high schooler boy dicover oleh kawan dia supaya kitorang tak nampak dia. haha. sorry dude. saw you. pastu balik pi tengok hulu langat dam. baru tau on the way situ boleh nampak KLCC. ada couple buat pre wed photo kat sana. gigih la kot pakai dress drag naik atas batu. tinggi kot. gambar pun tak banyak. battery camera boleh pulak drop dead kat waterfall. phone pun tinggal dalam kereta. tak dapat la capture rumah landak. there's always next time, kan? penang tak dapat gi. tekala pun ok la kot.


Gravy Baby. 
few days before puasa. ada live show. tapi, lupa siapa. makan tak rasa lagi. tapi, shisha tu sesak la.


crazy days and screwed up nights.
tons of crushes and stupid fights.
secrets we'll take to the grave.
pictures we'll forever save.
through thick and thin, always true.



lay low, des.



The world doesn't know me the way you do.

And I don't wanna be like I used to.

Because of you.

So thank you.



words : not needed.
stares : loves!


love spills. 
now addicted to massage. haih. parah.


heart burst. overcapacity. short-circuit. black out. 
less spark. but, still alive and kicking.
let's have more fun!


out of thousand songs produced on earth, why must the 'wolf' played cabrera's songs?
spoiled mood browsing books. haih.


feels good having circle of friends yang boleh masuk. tak perlu hide apa yang kita tak suka. but, reality is as you grew older, you might understand people needs and requirements. so, give and take is a must. jadilah macam mana sekalipun, human being is very weird but interesting. kalau nak, cakap nak. kalau tak nak, cakap tak nak. kan senang. tak payah rayu putar belit sekalipun. jangan buat orang annoyed dengan cara tanya selindung2. macam dia tanya kau, kau tanya dia balik. orang menyampah dan tak tau nak react macam mana. dan sampai bila2 apa yang kau nak tahu itu kau takkan dapat jawapan.

sekian. harap maklum & terima kasih.


kalau nak tau sangat lah.

yes, you are better than him in some ways. 



list plan makin panjang. satu pun tak tick lagi.
green light please, mak!


Ya Allah, please make me super cool.

I've gone through this phase once. and i don't want to be in it again.
can we just skip this and proceed to the steady level?

don't want to be seen like a lil girl getting her lollies.
(although the phase is the sweetest moment you can ever have)



ughh. i really need a break!

nak backpacking to penang by train as soon as possible.

mak, green light please?


kena kidnap malam2 memang best!

floating. floating. floating.
agak2, boleh cepat sikit tak?


hey there.

how are you?
doing fine?
i hope so.






enough. you should stay low.
if it meant to be. then, it will be.



gila! kerja gila!

kau tak payah fikir banyak kali ke aisyah?
kau tak payah reject dulu?
kau yakin?

never been THIS sure.
and couldn't get crazier than this!


Everything you do
is poetry
a movie
in slow mo
feelings grow
mute distraction
heart subtraction
love transaction.

-wani ardy


boleh tak kalau saya nak momen semalam pause sampai bila-bila?

seriously nak!

ughh rindu.


haha. semangat tetiba.


oh, dari bulan 3 nak massage. semalam baru dapat.


rasa macam kena electrocuted. still seram sejuk. but, loves!


hulu langat dam.

rasa nak pindah duduk kat hutan.
err, at least kawasan kampung.
serabut duk bandar.


tapi, mood happy happy happy happy!


semalam dengar bunyi air terjun.
hari ni bila dengar hon kereta, sangat lah tension.



there are too much to tell. yet, the walls wont give the answer.

saat2 masih banyak tanda soal dalam kepala. now, all gone. good.


wash away the dirts. gonna keep a clean dream house.


i don't teach myself to be a sarcastic person. it is the environment. 


Don't tell me to change anything about myself. It gets boring when I am everything you want me to be in your perfect world.                                             ~yunazarai

ada juga orang yang faham. haha.


i don't like fishing. or let just say i have never try it before.
could be fun, no?



roses. gerberas. beaches. 
i don't really need them. 
i need you.
which i don't really know if that's what i want few months back.
but, now it feels like home.


time for family. smurfs smurfs smurfs.


it's not a joke la sayang. 
not funny.


i hate it here!

i hate KL!

nak balik JOHOR!

(or maybe Papua new guinea)


happy? bahagia? 
apa tu? nak tanya sikitlah. boleh ke happy if orang lain derita?
yeah. maybe boleh kot. it depends. masing2 punya rasa.
takde sapa paksa kamu bahagia or derita. 

asalkan kau tak blame others. (tapi, if blame oneself pun boleh jadi gila, kan?)


being together in an island.
sand, beaches, dinner, with just us.


books, secluded cafe, tea and coffee, with just us.

yup. that sounds nice.


yeah. my words hurt you. 
but, i dont wanna lie. i don't wanna put a front. 
it is me. the now me. you understand, right?



you don't know anything. just don't go in and messed up my life.

but, thank you. 
i'm glad you're here and i'm happy.



trip kelantan cancel. isk2.





apa ni. baru telan 2 popiah. now, craving for more. isk. balik kena buat sendiri la nampaknya.
teringat bangun 4 pagi gulung popiah 40 keping nak bawak gi ofis. ni few months back. duk sabah kan. lone ranger. nak dating, takde sape teman. nak gi clubbing, tak pernah free hair kot since sekolah. tak jumpa lagi club boleh masuk pakai hijab. haha. ok. merepek. bai.


*cont previous post 

paman, i miss u..

(paman, not pakcik. they're different)


last week, paman ajak pi makan2 kat rumah kawan. katanya makan2 lah. sekali sampai2 tengok rumah orang kahwin. isk2. apa da. jemputan kahwin n makan2 pun xleh beza. nasib baik pakai proper even dgn jeans saja. selipar pun selipar la. saya bukan jenis yg pakai heels memanjang. heels pun xdok. haha. who cares? his circle of friends quite funny. jenis yang stare orang macam nak makan. macam pergi interview pulak. pastu lepak jap at his old house. adorable gila niece dia. kena kacau dengan paman dia pun taknak bangun2. next time pi makan ice cream ok aliya? then ada awkward session dgn marlia, hafiz n ezza. nasib ollie xde. mati aku kena interview lagi. next ada request session main masak2. hah, lagi hangus aku. ughh.


i miss you.....................................................

bukan dah setahun pun tak jumpa. pfft.


yeah. confirm! 
*dancing in the rain.


"Finding the right man for marriage is the second challenge.The first challenge is to be the right woman that a right man wants to marry."



tak perlu fake. hidup sendiri punya. 
btw, suka gila version ni.


oh, aku boleh jadi jahat gila. ungkit apa sekalipun, kau tetap akan sakit.
apa kau mahu begitu?


*dancing in the rain

mari mengira.  ;)



Kau tanya, kenapa aku tak menangis,
dan aku jawab, kerana aku dah puas menangis semalam.
menangis pun tak guna. sesal tak sudah, bukan? 



yeah! bekerja-lah sekuatnya!
counting days.


hahaha. tak nak kalah saja.
fine. do what you want. tak luak apa pun.



don't give me that sad face! i don't need it!


i'll never gonna change my man. if you see me try to change a man. then, he's not mine.


a: i hate smokers.

b: then, why are you with one?



"i wanna do what you like. if i'm not good enough to be in your life just say so" 
it supposed to be my line. you are everything. 


tahu marah rupanya. good.

oh. trip penang cancel. next week trip kelantan. by train. err.. maybe.